NetworkSolutions - 顶级域名免费转入并续费一年




  • 添加要转入的域名后,把购物车里的 Renew for additional years 这个 15.99 美元的删除掉,点击 Redeem Offer Code 后,输入优惠码即可。
  • 该优惠码不可以用来注册或者续费,近期域名有快到期的不要错过了。




from Shakib Khan on NamePros:FREE Domain Transfer to Network Solutions with Free 1 Year Extension! No Limitation!

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  1. #1

    No credit for me?

    Shakib Khan7年前 (2017-09-26)回复
    • What?

      pianyivps7年前 (2017-09-26)回复
      • This offer is originally first time in the world posted by me on NamePros.

        Shakib Khan7年前 (2017-09-27)回复
        • I don’t know and I never visited NamePros. I saw it in a Chinese website.

          pianyivps7年前 (2017-09-27)回复
          • Yes.
            It’s copied on about 5 Chinese websites from here:

            Anyway, is it worked fine for you? And how much views you have got? maybe 25?

            Shakib Khan7年前 (2017-09-27)
          • OK, I’ve added the source in my post. Sorry for that and thank you for your information. Actually I haven’t tried it, and most of the views is clicked by myself or robot. If you have other nice promotion info maybe you can also tell me. And tell me if you still have any other problem, thanks again.

            pianyivps7年前 (2017-09-27)
          • Many domainer facing some problems when they order 100+ domains for transfer.
            Maybe NetSol count them as fraud/abuse/invalid. But, it’s working fine for someone who ordered below 100 domains for transfer and who is a old customer of NetSol.

            Shakib Khan7年前 (2017-09-27)
          • Thanks. And I’m wondering if it’s easy to transfer domains out from NS after one year? I heard that the renewal price is a little crazy($37.99?)

            pianyivps7年前 (2017-09-28)
          • Not much hard also.

            Shakib Khan7年前 (2017-09-28)